Saturday 29 December 2012

New Videos And APP News!!

Afternoon All!

Finally after a solid day's editing, I'm just putting the finishing touches on four to five new video's.
I was going to upload two a week, but I've decided two every three days.

The video's are all about starting to understand music theory, notes, chords, scales.
Anyone can understand this, sometimes it can just take one new way of looking at something for it all to click!

The other exciting news is that my APP (yes the secret APP I have been building), is shortly moving into it's next stage of development, very very exciting news.

The APP will help every musician in the world, I can't wait for it to be out!
But otherwise have a great day,


Tuesday 25 December 2012

Plan for 2013

Hey everyone,

Getting free time to work out the plan for next year, one of my biggest musical achievements this year was being able to work with D'ADDARIO.

That work will definitely progress through 2013 with a lot more competitions and maybe even new product give aways. But hopefully factory tours and new exicting events as well.

He was my last competition with D'ADDARIO over $300 worth of gear, all you had to do was leave a helpful. Competition went really well, very happy to send all the gear over to the states

Can't wait to tell you all about the new companies for 2013,
But I'll wait till there's more solid info,

Happy Days People!

The Real Fun Begins (Youtube / Soundtrack Work)

Finally after the huge house move and the fun of christmas I can finally get back into my YouTube guitar Lessons and Soundtrack work for the Lookalike.

The big downside is I have three video's all ready to go for grade one (understanding chords and scales), but no internet at home till friday, it's killing me!

My digital online life is dieing!

Upside is though I have time to write and work on the Lookalike, Next week (between The Hobbit Viewings) I'll be meeting with some composers for our first session they're definitely be video's for that!

For the time being though I wish you all a Merry Christmas,

2013 is going to be a cracker!


Monday 17 December 2012

Day 1


Musical D Day as it were here, struggling to find time at the moment. Fingers in far too many pies.
Filmed a series of videos for youtube (, all about reading and understanding chords, scales and notes in western music.

All the content is filmed but lucky me I'm smack in the middle of moving house. Upside though it'll all be over in the next few days and finally I'll have my own music room!

On the film side of things having my next meeting with the band/composers next week writing a blues EP for the feature film The Lookalike, very exciting process indeed :)

Other than that it's all guitar, guitar, guitar! Having a few months break from University is amazing finally not just studying music but what I want to learn specifically,

Welcome to my Blog and thank you for reading,

If there's something you want me to discuss in great detail just let me know,
Otherwise welcome aboard as we try and create a music teaching system, so everybody in the world has the opportunity to learn Music,

You Pal,


Also, picked up some new tech :)